After nearly 5 years of operating GloveBox - the #1 car care subscription box in North America - we saw a detailing industry desperate for innovation. We've tested literally thousands of products, and shipped well over 500,000, yet we kept seeing the same issues with traditional detailing products:
- They're heavy: which makes them expensive to ship
- They're overpriced: automotive products are 2-3X the cost of similar home cleaners
- They're 99% water: which makes them prone to leaking or freezing in transit
- They're generic: many are white labeled (same product, different label) from the same 3 blenders
- They're boring: there's little innovation that solves *real* problems
- They're wasteful: detailers are throwing away millions of 16oz bottles after use
With these insights in mind we started developing GLOVEBOXRx™.
We found a USA-based manufacturer to work with, and began a 2-year R&D process of formulating brand new products that only contained the active ingredients (because that's all you really need). Since most products are water soluble, we had plenty of product types to choose from! Ultimately we settled on five basics:
- Glass Cleaner
- Interior Cleaner
- Waterless Wash / Clay Lubricant
- Spray Wax / Detail Spray
- Wheel & Tire Cleaner
The product performance far exceeded our initial expectations, and that of several professional detailers who participated in product testing. The products worked as good, or BETTER, than the leading products in their respective categories.
Our next task was to design the bottle. We wanted a completely new design that was comfortable to hold, took up less space on the shelf, and looked great. Taking inspiration from our favorite bottled water brand, FIJI Water®, we designed the new bottle mold. We wanted a heavy-duty bottle that would last forever, so we chose a 25oz preform for our 16oz bottle. Then we tested it by running it over with a GMC Yukon, because that's what you do when you're passionate about quality! Sure enough, the bottle survived, and we we felt so confident in it that we now offer a lifetime guarantee.
Now, GLOVEBOXRx™ is ready for the car enthusiast community. We want to help our fellow detailers get that perfect shine, and save some of their hard-earned money. Detailing is our passion, and we are proud to share our innovative line of products with all of you!

Brad, Jason, and Fred